firefox tips & tricks

PageZipper – Loads Next Page When You Reach Bottom Of Current Page Automatically

PageZipper is a one of the cool firefox addon which really makes it very simple to go to the next page, it scans the entire page for the text Next and automatically loads the next page when you scroll down at the current page.


After Installing PageZipper you will need to manually activate PageZipper, In order to activate it go to File Menu >> View >> Toolbars >> Customize menu and drag the PageZipper icon on the FireFox toolbar to place it on the toolbar to make is more accessible.

firefox tips & tricks

SkipScreen – Bypass Download Waiting Time On Rapidshare, Megaupload, zShare, Mediafire etc

SkipScreen is a really useful firefox addon for lot of users who download various types of files from the popular file and media sharing sites like Rapidshare, Megaupload, zShare, Mediafire, and more.


Most of these file sharing web sites have a annoying waiting time limit before a free user can start downloading the requested file. So, SkipScreen can be really useful in saving your time wasted seeing the download waiting time as it removes the screen of download waiting time from these media sharing sites.

firefox tips & tricks

Links2Tray – Access Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Opera Bookmarks In System Tray

Links2Tray is a small utility which sits in your system tray (near the clock). It will display a menu of bookmarks combining Internet Explorer Favourites, Bookmarks From FireFox, Google Chrome and Opera


It allows a quick access to the bookmarks of all the browsers installed on your computer. Choose the browser of your choice with which you want to open these bookmarks in Links2Tray menu.

firefox tips & tricks

Bookmark Duplicate Detector – Delete Duplicate Bookmarks in FireFox

Bookmark Duplicate Detector is a cool firefox addon which lets you find out duplicate bookmarks among all your firefox bookmarks. It also lets you delete all those duplicate bookmarks so, that you can get rid of all the duplicate bookmarks forever.


This is the best extension which lets you find and delete all the duplicates bookmarks one by one. If you have lot of bookmarks this extension is the best to remove duplicates bookmarks easily.

firefox tips & tricks

Auto Dial – See Most Visited Sites In New Tab Opened [ FireFox Extensions ]

Auto Dial is cool firefox add on which lets you see the most frequently visited websites every time you open a new tab. It shows you the recently visited sites mesh with 3D parallax effect.


However the first run sucks as it depends on your firefox history, would be really cool if you surf for a lot on web through firefox.

firefox tips & tricks

Convert Firefox To Chrome Appearance Completely

If you like chrome appearance more than the boring looks of firefox, then this is the right post for you. You can change the appearance of firefox completely to firefox with an extension called Total ReChrome.

Total ReChrome configure the tabs to be located on the upper side to make it look identical to google chrome, it also adds glass effects in vista and perform some other useful tweaks.


Total ReChrome also moves the stop button on the left of the address to right side of the address to make it look exactly as google chrome.

firefox tips & tricks

Full Screen Image Viewer For Firefox and Internet Explorer

Full Screen Image viewer is a FREE program which integrates itself to firefox and internet explorer context menu’s i.e right click menu in firefox and internet explorer.

After installing full screen image viewer you can view any image in full screen mode just by right clicking on the image and select the image view mode.


The various options for viewing the image are following:

  • View Full Screen – Best Fit
  • View Full Screen – Cut Fit Bottom Right
  • View Full Screen – Cut Fit Equal
  • View Full Screen – Cut Fit Top Left
  • View Full Screen – Stretch Fit
firefox tips & tricks

Seven Cool Tools For Firefox Location Bar

UrlbarExt is a small firefox add on which adds amazing functionality in your firefox location bar like you can copy the URL wit ease, search the site in google, go up to the navigation tree on the site, add tags to the URL, and also lets you surf the URL anonymously through free online proxy servers.


Specially the tiny url would be really helpful for a blogger like me to shorten links for twitter, copy option can be really useful to copy the URL to clipboard for writing purpose. UrlbarExt extension easily integrates with the firefox location bar.

It also allows anonymous surfing of any URL you type in the location bar with the help of free proxy servers available. You can easily configure the extension as per your usage like changing the URL shortening service from default tiny URL to some thing else.