tips & tricks

Rearrange Shuffle Opened Applications In Windows Taskbar

By default windows does not allow to opened applications and windows listed in taskbar to rearrange and shuffle to change the position. But there is a free application named taskbar shuffle which lets you reorder the taskbar items.

Taskix is another free application which solves the same purpose of moving taskbar opened items, allows you to reorder the taskbar tabs and change their positions in taskbar.


More over this small program provides more functionality other than just moving the taskbar opened applications and windows.

tips & tricks

Freeware To Speed PC Games and Computer Performance

Game Booster is a FREE to use utility which lets you optimize you PC for better and enhanced, faster game play experience. It lets you tweak your computer by temporarily shutting down some irrelevant process and services, cleaning up RAM, removing temporary files etc.

The program cannot be closed until you switch to normal mode, so that it can restart again all the windows services and process.


It will stop some windows services which are not required at the time of game play and will also stop the running programs in system tray.

tips & tricks

Desktop Shortcut | Keyboard Hotkey To Mute Sound

It happens many time when you were listening to your favourite songs on your computer and suddenly some one just enters your room, you need to mute the sound instantly or it could some another reason for you to mute the sound immediately.

Today, we will tell you all the ways to mute the sound of your computer instantly, it could done be either with a small software or with some simple scripts you can place on your desktop or even with some keyboard hotkey shortcut.

There has been different methods with different operating system like windows xp, vista and windows 7

Let’s start discussing all of them one by one

tips & tricks

Desktop Shortcut – Create Power Shortcuts In XP, Vista and Windows 7

Desktop Shortcut is a FREE power management tool which lets you create some useful shortcuts on your desktop easily.

We have previously posted about how to create desktop shortcut for Shutdown, Restart and Hibernate, but Desktop Shortcut allows you to create these shortcuts very easily just by selecting the shortcuts you need through the program interface.


There are 21 different type of desktop shortcuts you can create including these given below.

Shortcuts For Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 

  • Desktop Shortcut to Shutdown Computer
  • Desktop Shortcut to Restart Computer
  • Desktop Shortcut to Hibernate Computer
  • Desktop Shortcut to Eject optical Drive
  • Desktop Shortcut to Lock Computer
  • Close Firefox with Shortcut
  • Close Internet Explorer with Shortcut
  • Shortcut to Log Off Signed on User
  • Show Desktop Shortcut
  • Switch Off Monitor with Shortcut
tips & tricks

Remove ‘Shortcut’ Text While Creating A Shortcut On Desktop In Vista

One of the annoying things in vista while creating a shortcut on desktop is firstly it add a arrow to the shortcut and a shortcut text at the end of the shortcut name.

Shortcuts without shortcut text


Shortcuts with shortcut text


As shown in the image above when ever you create a desktop shortcut in vista it will add the shortcut text after the name of the shortcut as a suffix. We has already written about how can you remove the shortcut arrow on the shortcuts in vista.

Today we will tell you how to avoid appending of shortcut text on shortcut through a simple registry hack.

tips & tricks

Convert Bitmap Image To HTML Files With ASCII Characters

Asciimilator is a free application which lets you convert any bitmap to cool looking html files that use ASCII characters to represent the bitmap pixels.


It uses a combination of black and white color to give the over all contrast of the original picture being converted.

tips & tricks

Open CD/DVD Tray On Mouse Double Click – NS Eject CD

NS Eject CD is small useful utility which opens CD / DVD tray on mouse double click.


This small utility can save some time of URS juggling with physical button to open your CD / DVD recorder in your laptop and desktop.

tips & tricks

Play Photo Scramble With Any Picture Scramble

Any Picture Scramble lets you create and play scramble puzzles with any image you want to, you can create a photo scramble of your loved ones or your favourite scenery.


It could be great fun by scrambling the pictures of your loved ones or you can scramble any family photo and try to unscramble it to solve the puzzle.