firefox tips & tricks

Speed up your firefox [ Tweak Firefox Part1 ]


It’s been a long time now, we have not contributed any tips or tricks on firefox, After the release Firefox 3 many people have started using firefox.

Today, we have come up with the first part of the continued post on tweaking firefox and making it more faster for browsing and use less memory and CPU usage.


In this part we are going to tell you about how can you tweak your firefox to make it more faster in browsing sites.

Lets see how can tweak firefox to turn it into more faster firefox

firefox tips & tricks

Save the entire web page as single .htm file with firefox 3


We have been using firefox 3 for some days now, and side by side reviewing any new feature which we come across like Secure way of remembering passwords in Firefox 3 and A little known feature about Firefox 3.0

Today we found a new feature again in firefox 3.0 which allows you to save a any page on the web as a single .htm file with out any accompanying folder.

When you save a page in firefox previous editions as a html file, you would see a folder always with the html file which contains the related images and other support files.


But when you save a page in firefox 3.0 with Save as type as Web Page, Html Only.

firefox tips & tricks

Secure way of remembering passwords in Firefox 3


I was reading a post on Easiest Way To View Passwords in Firefox 3 by abhijeet from

But after reading the post, I thought that this could be a privacy issue if anyone else is also using the same computer and can open the same web site and view your remembered password.

Remembering password in firefox for different web sites saves a lot of time but could be a security breach, as it may reveal your private passwords to any one if you don’t set a master password in firefox.

What is master password ?

It is the main password which protect all the remembered passwords in firefox, you can see any remembered passwords across any web site without knowing the master password.

Lets see how can you remember your passwords in a secure way.

firefox tips & tricks

A little known feature about Firefox 3.0


If you are a ardent web surfer and you use firefox mostly for web browsing,then this article could be interesting for you.

It is very common for a web surfer to open more than 9 sites in a firefox in the same window, it happens to me as when I browse through large number of blogs and web sites opened in different uncountable tabs.

Switching across these tabs becomes more and more difficult when as number increases, so there a key board shortcut associated with each tab starting from left as ctrl+1 for first tab, ctrl+2 for the second tab and so on..

But these shortcuts are limited up to ctrl+9 to access the opened tab the 9th position but if you want to access the last opened tab with a keyboard shortcut you can’t do this in any version lesser then Firefox 3.0

But in Firefox 3.0,  if you press ctrl+9 you can access 9th tab if their are less or equal to 9 tabs opened else you will get to the last tab opened in firefox 3.0 irrespective of how many tabs are opened.

firefox tips & tricks

Enable the smooth scrolling feature in firefox 3.0 just like safari


Firefox 3.0 has been just released and ready for download, I am on twitter side by side telling people the alternate download server for firefox 3.0 as both mozilla and are down due to heavy hits for firefox 3.0 download.

While people are trying to download, I am the lucky one who is writing a post on one of the cool feature of firefox 3.0, I have been waiting to be implemented in firefox for a long time.

Lets come to the point, the feature is related to smooth scrolling which can be enabled to enjoy the smooth scrolling effect just like Internet explorer and safari.

What is smooth scrolling ?

Smooth scrolling refers to a scrolling display where text appears smoothly, rather than appearing as a whole line at a time.

firefox tips & tricks

How to make font render smoothly in firefox just like safari and IE7

Last night I was listening to a podcast by Jason Mayoff with Shankar Ganesh – both are writers for , During their conversation they discussed about different browsers like Safari , Firefox , Opera in their podcast.

I heard Shankar said:  he really likes the smooth font rendering in Safari, I would like to second that, as I also like the smooth font rendering in safari but in firefox font appearance is really worse as compared to safari.

But then I thought how can any one rectify the font rendering issue in firefox to some extent.

There can be two simple ways to render fonts smoothly in firefox which I found is to enable cleartype in firefox.

For those who don’t know about cleartype

ClearType is the Microsoft implementation of subpixel rendering technology, aiming to improve the appearance of text on certain types of computer display screens, especially LCD flat-panel monitors.

Let me just show you how the font renders without and with cleartype.

firefox tips & tricks internet hacks & tips

Make small tinyurl for your pages fast with Tinyurl creator for firefox

Small Announcement for Readers: From now on, I will be more active in blogging so you can expect more frequency of  articles posted.I will try to give at least one post a day.


Let come to the post topic. Today I tried some of popular and on growing adobe air applications like uvLayer, twhirl etc.

Was seeing some of the friends blogger’s sharing there latest articles via twitter as the actual url of the articles were some what longer so every one was using TinyUrl in order to shorten them.

If you don’t  know what is tinyurl?

For your FYI: With TinyURL, you can also make a smaller URL that will work for any page on your site.

firefox tips & tricks tips & tricks

Sync up Firefox browser with your google account

I use firefox web browser every where, at my office pc, on my home desktop pc and as well on my laptop.

I always wanted to sync up my firefox on all these locations automatically, including my firefox bookmarks, browser settings ,add ons so I don’t have to configure my firefox at all these places etc.

So. I decided to google out the ways for syncing up my firefox browser with my google account.

Basically there are certain things which needs to be in sync like firefox settings , its bookmarks, browsing history etc.

Let’s cover them one by one