internet hacks & tips tips & tricks

convert your torrent file into .exe to to download directly without torrent client

Yes, I am talking about a FREE tool to convert your torrent file to a .exe file with which you can directly download the files without any torrent client application installed on your system.






This application is called Torrent2Exe ,  as the name suggest it Convert torrents into stand-alone exe files and download them without a client.

The application is really useful for those who do not want to install a torrent client which downloads the files instead by connecting to peers and seeds.

The application offers a simple two-step approach to downloading torrent files without using a client.

How to use?

tips & tricks windows hacks

Move your files to any folder by dragging using teracopy

There are some instances when you would want to move a downloaded file or folder to a different location.

Well it happens with me most of the time because, what ever I download any thing from web I tend to download it to the desktop and then at the end of the day, I categorize my downloads then move them to the different folders, like software downloads , Music etc.





For all these folders like Sangeet , Software Downloads I have shortcuts created on the desktop so just need to drag the files on the shortcut icon to copy the files over that folder.

But what ever you do you can’t move files, they will always be copied if you drag files on the shortcuts icon.

So after coping I have to delete the files from the desktop, all this makes the whole process somewhat unproductive. 

But I found out a solution to this problem using TeraCopy, Let’s see how

firefox tips & tricks tips & tricks

Sync up Firefox browser with your google account

I use firefox web browser every where, at my office pc, on my home desktop pc and as well on my laptop.

I always wanted to sync up my firefox on all these locations automatically, including my firefox bookmarks, browser settings ,add ons so I don’t have to configure my firefox at all these places etc.

So. I decided to google out the ways for syncing up my firefox browser with my google account.

Basically there are certain things which needs to be in sync like firefox settings , its bookmarks, browsing history etc.

Let’s cover them one by one

tips & tricks windows hacks

What is mdm.exe and why it is running ? can I stop it ?

We have just received a query from Kashish a techie reader of Technix Update, who wants to use his CPU and RAM by ending up all the non relevant process, but ending process helps?

Yes, it helps a lot in speeding up your system but key factor is you need to know which process to end in your task manager process list.

Let’s discuss about mdm.exe, and how important is it for windows

how to tutorials tips & tricks windows hacks

How to prevent your playlist in winamp from getting lost out

I have been using winamp from a long time as a music player, it is I think the best player which is free also, but initially when I use winamp for the first time I found a issue in it.

Let me tell you how does it happen.

I used to enqueue some songs from different directory locations ,and issue arises when  accidentally I double click on any .mp3 file due to which all the playlist which I collected in winamp got evaded in seconds and the only songs which remain there is that on which I have accidentally double clicked. It may have happened to you some time if you have used winamp.

Let’s see why this happens and how can we correct it.

internet hacks & tips tips & tricks

Get more keyboard savvy while using gmail with google experimental search

Yesterday, gmail my inbox was flooded with large number of mails, most of them were comments , readers computer related problems etc.

But I was having a short time to read them they were more than hundreds in numbers, and even after using gmail handy keyboard shortcuts I was not productive enough.

After than I was trying to find out a different way to browse through large number of mails in gmail in some quicker way.








Then, I remembered the google experimental search which I had used some time back to navigate through results in google.

Here comes the key-point that is if you activate google experimental search into your google account , you can automatically use those keyborad shortcuts into gmail if you have gmail on that account.

Let’s see how can you use google experimental shortcuts in gmail   

how to tutorials tips & tricks

View your Local Photos on Your Hard disk using Piclens [ Tweak ]

Recently I came across a cool web application called PicLens, after reading a an article on

What is PicLens?

PicLens is a browser extension or add on which instantly transforms your browser into a full-screen, 3D experience for enjoying photos and videos across the web.

In other words it a different way to view pictures on web  specially the 3d experience and the navigation power it provides is awesome. ( as shown in the image below)








PicLens can be used to view photo’s on various image sharing sites like Flickr, FaceBook, Google Images, Picasa Web Albums etc. It supports almost all the famous browsers including  FireFox , Safari , Internet Explorer etc.

After experiencing Piclens I was curious to see the images stored on my hard disk and got to know that PicLens does not support it.  🙁

Then I tried some tweaks to open pictures on my hard disk with piclens, and suddenly one of them works, I was able to view the pictures in folder on my hard disk with piclens.

Let’s see how can you do it. I made this work on firefox

tips & tricks windows hacks

Assign Window + hotkeys to quick launch items in win XP with HotKeyBind

Today I have come up with a tweak that I wanted to implement in windows xp from a long time, and today after reading a post on how to geek I got idea to implement it, Thanks how to geek 

What I wanted to do?

I want to set the keyboard shortcuts for quick launch items in Windows XP same like as it is there in Windows Vista where all the quick launch items can be launched with the hot keys Win + 1 ,Win +2 and so on according to the order they appear.

You can easily implement this tweak on Windows XP too with an application called HotKeyBind.

What is HotKeyBind?

HotKeyBind is a program that lets you use different hotkeys (shortcut key combinations) to do common tasks: opening a web page, launching applications, opening files and opening your quick launch items with hot keys which you can set.

Let’s see how can you do this.