tips & tricks

ThunderFix – Fix Slow Thunderbird To Run Faster

ThunderFix is a small FREE tool which cleans the junk in thunderbird and improves the thunderbird performance to a great extent. This tool could be of great help specially if you are facing slow start time in thunderbird.


ThunderFix detects all the .msf files with in your thunderbird profile and removes them, so the next time when you run thunderbird it will generate the new MSF files and you will see the improvement in the thunderbird startup time.

tips & tricks

iExporter – Export iTunes Playlist

iExporter is a small FREE program which allows you to export the iTunes playlist to any location on your computer, this way you can make your iTunes playlist available to other media players and other devices like USB Stick, SD Card or any other mp3 player.


It will export all the native mp3 files on your computer, as most of the media playing devices around does not support playing the native iTunes files.

tips & tricks

CopyPath – Copy Full File and Folder Path In XP and Vista Via Context Menu

It is actually required some times when you may need the full path to a specific file or folder while working on a windows operating system, you may need a full path to a folder to paste into command prompt for some reason.


Adding a folder or file path to the command is not that much easy as you will need to specific modifications to make that work with the command you typed at the command prompt.

The first utility in this category is CopyPath which is a free program which is designed as a explorer extension as it adds one of the most basic functionality of coping the full directory or application path to any file and folder.

tips & tricks

Disable or Change CAPS Lock Key Function In Windows

Its quite frustrating when you are completing some important document and accidently the caps key is pressed again and again which disturbs the momentum of work. Actually as per a survey CAPS lock key is the most hated key on a qwerty keyboard.


Even I used to have this problem of caps lock turning on accidently many times on my old keyboard. However if you have any kind of problem related to caps lock key on your keyboard we have multiple solution for regarding the caps lock key.

These are some of the registry tweaks you can apply to change the caps lock key behaviour, if you are geeky then go for the registry tweaks or else go for the recommended free applications to solve this problem.

tips & tricks

noPing Shutdown –Reboot / Shutdown / Logoff / Poweroff Your If Your Computer Is Not Connected To Internet

noPing Shutdown is a FREE easy to use utility which lets you Reboot / Shutdown / Logoff / Poweroff the computer if it is not connected to internet for a specified time interval you define in the program interface.


This will keep pinging the host name or the website URL you specified and when the Last Ping did not succeed then it will wait for the time you specified in minutes to take the set action by you.

tips & tricks

Download Free Broadband Internet Speed Booster

We all want to speed up our broadband internet connection so that we can download music, movies and other files from the internet more speedily. TCPSpeed is one of the best free software for speeding up your internet connection.


TCPSpeed allows you tweak the windows settings to optimize and use the maximum speed out of your internet connection. It make some tweaks on the windows operating system shutting down the useless TCP layer level things which would enhance the internet download speed for you.

tips & tricks

Trick To Hide Files Inside A BMP Image

BMP Wrap is a simple and easy to use tool which lets you hide any file inside a valid .BMP shell i.e you can hide data file of any type inside a .bmp image and send it anywhere and recipient can extract that file using BMP Wrap.


With BMP Wrap you can send exe, dll and other types of files which you were not able to send as email attachment as the destination mail server will never be able to find out about the hidden file inside the .BMP image file.

tips & tricks

Free OEM Info Editors For Vista and XP

OEM means Original Equipment Manufacturer, so if you bought a hp computer laptop or  a hp desktop computer, the OEM info displayed in the control panel in system volume information.

Just in case for any reason you want to change this information and take the complete ownership of the computer, or you just to play with it so you can amaze your friend by changing the OEM info with some simple tools which we are going to mention, these tools are FREE to use.

By modifying the OEM info you can change the manufacturer name, Edit OEM logo image, Hardware Upgrade the OEM settings and other OEM info displayed in the Control Panel.

Here are two different OEM editors for windows vista and xp