tips & tricks

CloseMany – End or Kill Multiple Process Running At Once

CloseMany is one such tiny utility which can act as a replacement for task manager in windows, with this simple task manager type application you can kill multiple process and services in single go, you just need to select all process you want to kill and then press the kill button at the top of the application.


I have a habit to kill some programs in windows time to time so that to keep the CPU free from getting used by some irrelevant process which keep wasting the memory and CPU all the time.

But neither it is task manager or process explorer cannot kill more than one task or process running at a time. This restriction of these programs makes the overall activity quite tedious and time consuming.

tips & tricks

Download Free Windows Live Writer Portable Version

Windows Live Writer is one such amazing web publishing software I have been using for a long time now, from the day I switched to windows live writer, I have rarely written any post in the wordpress web editor.

From the first day I have been using the windows live writer, I always wanted to have a portable version of windows live writer so that I can carry it on the move and take it anywhere I like to on my portable drive.

But there is a process involved with which you can make the portable version of windows live writer for you, read on further to know more.

See Also: Backup Offline Installers For All Windows Live Essentials Beta

tips & tricks

2 Ways To Copy Paste Text As Plain Text From Anywhere Without Formatting

One day back I written about a free firefox addon which can help you any text from a webpage without any formatting, that’s means you can copy text as plain text in firefox but as one of the reader commented that firefox addon supports the older version of firefox only, moreover it could be on no help if you are not coping the text from any other source than firefox.

After some googling I came to know about two ways with which you can copy text from any source as plain text, one of the way involves a utility which which will remove any formatting from text you have copied, second way is the most common and manual way using a notepad.

Let’s discuss both of these methods in detail one by one, you can use what ever suits you the best.

tips & tricks

RamDisk – Create A Virtual RAM Storage Drive On RAM Memory

RamDisk or RAM-Disk is a FREE to use software which lets you create a virtual storage drive which is very much similar to other logical drives on your computer and more faster in operation with access time of files greatly improved. You can access the files or folders located on your drive very faster as compared to the hard disk drives.


As shown in the above you can choose the size of the RAM drive you want to create in between the standard sizes starting from 360kb to 3gb, choose the media type in between RAM Drive, Fixed Media or Removable Media  – that means that RAM drive will be simulating a hard drive which works is the best way as it displays the new drive under My Computer for easy access.

tips & tricks

Hide Your Data Inside BMP, PNG and TIFF Image File Format

Hide&Reveal is a open source free stenography tool which lets you hide any type of data including your files and folders inside the image of BMP, PNG and TIFF format. The program is distributed user GNU General Public License so you can modify the program and distribute it anywhere among your friends too.


This program is quite simple to use to hide and reveal the data inside images, here is how you can hide or reveal data inside the images with this tool.

Tip:  Trick To Hide Files Inside A BMP Image

tips & tricks

Iconoid – Hide Desktop Icons Automatically As Per Mouse Cursor Position

Iconoid is a cool free application which let you hide the desktop icons automatically as per mouse cursor position, it will let you see the desktop wallpaper by making all the desktop icons invisible automatically when the mouse cursor is moved away from the desktop area to any other program window. When ever you move mouse on the desktop area it will again show up all the icons on the desktop with in a second.


Moreover this small program will let you perform lot more functions and which includes Save and Restore Desktop Icons Positions, Make Your Desktop Icons Background Transparent, Select any color for icon text. You can also make desktop icons to always hide the desktop icons.

Similar Tip: Hide your desktop icons in a double click with hide icons

tips & tricks

Hack To Hide All or Specific Icon In System Tray

A reader of asked us how can he hide a specific icon in system tray or all the icons in system tray. We had already written about a free application called MagicTray which lets you hide all the icons in single click in the system tray.

But still if you are interested in the geeky way of hiding the system tray icons, here it is, this can be easily implemented with a small registry hack.

Lets discuss the trick to hide all the system tray icons in system tray and how to hide specific icons in system tray.

tips & tricks

PushMonitorOff – Free Monitor Turn Off Application – Turn Off Your Monitor With Keyboard Shortcut

PushMonitorOff is one such cool application which lets you turn off monitor quickly with a keyboard shortcut, but why would you want to turn off your monitor ?

Sometimes when you just want to turn off the monitor and keep the other applications running, it could be required as you may be leaving your seat in office for specific amount of time but you want the programs keep running.


This could be really good idea if you want to conserve some energy and save the environment around you, the default keyboard shortcut to turnoff your laptop or desktop monitor is Shift+F1