useful software's

Search Inside The File Contents with Everything Search Engine program

Searching on windows quite be messy some times using windows search, but windows default search is not the best way to search for files sometimes.

Everything search is a free and faster search programs among all the search programs which I had used for Windows XP, but you should go to for Everything for search only if you have hard disk partitions of NTFS type file system.


Everything is not only fastest in searching but also in indexing, as at the moment you install it, you can start using it and it indexes files on your system at a very fast rate (1,000,000 files will take about 1 minute), but it only works with NTFS drives.

useful software's

Make Windows Startup Faster with Startup Blaster

It is very common when windows users complain that their computer systems loaded with windows takes ages to get started and takes a hell lot of time to load some applications in the startup. So, in order to get an active running windows which can respond to user actions you need to give some minutes to the computer to load the startup programs first.


Windows users always say there computer were faster in the beginning and used to take very few seconds to get started and running, but with time they say it gets slow and take so much time to get started.

What is the reason behind slow startup on your old computer?

From the time you first start using a computer, you keep installing a various computer software, games and other applications and install various hardware devices drivers many of which create startup entries to run the following.

  • Startup Entries to run associated services for programs
  • Startup Entries to run the program on windows startup
  • Startup Entries to load some DLL sometime to run the corresponding program
  • and some other entries

You can filter out these programs and select what to load and what not to load through msconfig command, but after a specific extent you cannot remove more programs which are quite essential to be get loaded in memory at windows startup.

At that point of time a FREE program called Startup Blaster can solve the problem of slow windows startup with which you can delay those programs to run after a specified amount of time. 

Let’s see how can you delay the execution of start up programs with startup blaster

offline installers

Download Windows Live Messenger 2009 Full Setup [offline installer]

This is our first official post of sharing the offline installer for windows live messenger, previously we have shared various other offline installers including Download windows live writer full setup, Download yahoo messenger full setup, Download google chrome full setup etc.

Microsoft does not offer the link to direct download for windows live messenger 2009 as they need to promote their windows live installer all over the web which even lets you install some useless programs which you don’t even know about or you don’t want. If you download windows live messenger from the official microsoft web site you will get a web installer which cannot work if you want to install windows live messenger on a computer which is not connected to internet.


Today we have come up with the latest version windows live messenger 2009 full setup, lets see how can you get windows live messenger offline standalone installer which can be used to install live of messenger without requiring internet connection.

windows hacks

All Ways To Change Start Button Text In Windows XP

One of the most annoying thing in windows XP is the start button text, which almost every user want to change as per my experience. I my self changed my start button text to different funny start button texts.

In order to change the start button text you will need to tweak your windows explorer which is responsible for displaying the text on your start button.


The most traditional way or commonly used way to change the start button text is by using the popular program called Resource Hacker but it is some what more complex and meant for advanced users.

In this post we are going to mention all ways including some simple and complex ways to change start button text in windows XP

Let’s see all three ways through which you can change the start button text in Windows XP   

free software

Download Free Zone Alarm Pro for 1 year with in 24 hours

Just like previously we told about on how can you get some paid programs for free, today we have come up with very useful and popular software ZoneAlarm firewall for free, if you sign up in next 24 hours.

ZoneAlarm is a well recognised and powerful firewall to protect you from various internet threats, ZoneAlarm was launched 15 years ago for the first time and today is the ZoneAlarm firewall birthday so it is being distributed for free for 24 hours so if you sign up before 19 November 6am PST then you can get latest ZoneAlarm Professional version for FREE for one computer.


Let’s see how can you sign up to get the FREE ZoneAlarm Professional version for your computer

windows hacks

Hide or Reset unread mail count on welcome screen in windows XP

Recently one of our reader asked us via email on how can he hide or reset the unread mail count displayed on the welcome logon screen in windows XP.

Anyone can get annoyed after seeing the unread mail count on the windows XP on the welcome screen every time when user see the login screen, unread mail count displayed on the windows logon screen when user uses the outlook or Mozilla thunderbird, outlook express and msn browser client to read mails

mail_count Image Credit Raizlabs

These X number of unread mails is displayed by default in windows form all the account configured in the above email accounts.  

There three different methods to get rid of this unread email count or hide it from the welcome login screen

Let’s discuss these methods one by one

tips & tricks

Clear Search Bar History In Firefox In One Go For All Items

Firefox is one of the amazing browsers which I have seen till now, another cool feature is the integrated firefox search bar which is again a powerful and easy to use component to search web through popular search engines like Google, Wikipedia, Yahoo and Answers etc.


The simplest way to clear the search bar history in firefox is by clicking inside the search bar and press the down arrow key to navigate the item which is to be deleted from the list and then press delete key to erase the specific item form the search bar history list


But what if you want to delete the entire search bar history in one go or you can say deleting all the items in the search bar history of firefox

Let’s see how can clean the search bar history of firefox without any software

windows hacks

Change IE Title Bar Text for IE 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 and IE 7 [ Registry Tweak ]

It is very easy to change the Internet Explorer Title bar text with a simple registry hack which applies to all the version of internet explorer released including IE 7 but may not work with IE 8


This trick involves a registry tweak which you will need apply to your windows registry in order to change the title bar text of any internet explorer version you use on your computer.

But if you don’t want to play with system registry we also have the another way to do it with out playing with the registry yourself.

Let’s see how can you change the title bar text for internet explorer.