useful software's

Free Offline CD DVD Browser – Get Offline Access On Removable Drives

Free Offline CD browser is a FREE software which lets you index and catalog your removable drives so that you can also browse their contents later when the drive is disconnected.


It could be really effective tool to create the catalog of CD, other removable drives and network drives etc. You can browse through the drive and then can locate and insert the DVD or CD to access the desired file.

firefox tips & tricks

SkipScreen – Bypass Download Waiting Time On Rapidshare, Megaupload, zShare, Mediafire etc

SkipScreen is a really useful firefox addon for lot of users who download various types of files from the popular file and media sharing sites like Rapidshare, Megaupload, zShare, Mediafire, and more.


Most of these file sharing web sites have a annoying waiting time limit before a free user can start downloading the requested file. So, SkipScreen can be really useful in saving your time wasted seeing the download waiting time as it removes the screen of download waiting time from these media sharing sites.

how to tutorials

WUfacility – Fix Windows Update In Windows

WUfacilty is a small easy to use application which allows you to run procedures to troubleshoot most common windows update problems.


It is quite easy and simple to use program which normally fixes all the windows update related problem just by clicking a single button on the interface of WUfacility.

internet hacks & tips

Free YouTube Video Uploader Popular Video Formats Supported

Free youtube video uploader allows you to upload videos to your youtube account. It allows you to upload multiple videos together in one go to youtube.


Another reason for you to use this application to upload videos to your account is that you can optimize the video before uploading the video. You can specify the Title of the video, Description of the video, Tags to be added for the video and category in which video should be added.

It supports almost all the popular video formats like avi, mpeg, mpg, 3gp, mp4, flv, wmv. amv etc and lot more other video formats also. 

internet hacks & tips

All Ways To Download MP3 Music From MySpace

I was reading an article of on how to download mp3 from myspace, downloading your favourite music from myspace is something which everyone want to do.

I found out all the ways including the utilities to download mp3 music from myspace and some free web services which allows you to download music from Myspace. These tools and services will automatically download any music you want on myspace.

Lets discuss these tools and web services to download myspace music


Free .PST Recovery Utility Tool

If you are used to moving your outlook profile from one computer to another then this tool could be quite useful, as you may have a corrupted .pst file which cannot be imported in the outlook on the new computer.

It happens to many of us when .pst or Personal Folders file which contains email, calendar, contacts, tasks & more in Outlook gets corrupted, damaged. But only some people know that microsoft provides a free tool called Inbox Repair Tool as Scanpst.exe  

This small tool can be at different path depending on the Microsoft Outlook version you are using.

In Outlook XP, 2003 – Scanpst.exe will be found at the following path

C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\LocaleID 

In Outlook 2007 – Scanpst.exe will be found at the following path

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12Now

(assuming C drive is where your OS is installed)

offline installers

Download .Net Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 ,3.5 SP1 Full Setups StandAlone Installer [Offline Installers]

.Net Framework is one of the most crucial component to run and develop lot of applications these days. But when you go to microsoft website to download any version of .net framework you will get a web installer which will download the files from micorsoft server when ever you run this online installer.

This web installer will be of very small size but cannot be redistributed as full setup of .net framework as it download the same set of files every time when you run it on any computer. So, if you want to give your friend the setup of .net framework you cannot as it is not the standalone installer.

Today, we will share all the links to the full setup redistributable standalone offline installers for all the .net frameworks released till now for both 32 bit and 64 bit versions.


Recover Extract Text From Damaged Word 2007 Docx Document

It happens some times when one of the very precious docx document of your get corrupted and after all the attempts being made you cannot open or recover any thing from that docx file document.

Damageddocx2txt is a FREE utility designed by Sandeep Kumar. This utility is quite easy to use tool to extract text from damaged/corrupted word 2007 docx file.


It is quite easy to use program as you just need to run it and click File >> Open and locate the file to be opened and text to be extracted.