how to tutorials tips & tricks

How to restore show desktop icon in quick launch in windows xp

This post is reply to one of the reader vaibhav who has accidentally deleted the show desktop icon in the quick launch bar.( sorry for the delayed reply but i was somewhat engaged in some work)

So below is a step by step procedure to restore show desktop.

tips & tricks

Search Orkut Scrapbook with Orkut Searcher Extension..for firefox.

Orkut Scrapbook Searcher Extension for firefox adds a search box inside the orkut page for searching through scrapbooks,communities. The box added to the orkut page is context sensitive and automatically changes between searching scrapbook,community threads and community thread messages.

tips & tricks

Most Usefull greasemonkey scripts for orkut freaks

Orkut is one of widely growing social network of different peoples with different languages and thinking together but there is lot more to improve as the current interface of orkut is not much better in terms of functionalites and navigation point of view.

As there a particular user has to make lots of clicks in order to reach a person scrap book and same is the case with album and composing a message and other most required features.

how to tutorials

Add Blog Feed & your Picasa or Flickr Albums with Your Orkut Profile

Today when i logged in my account at orkut i noticed a new option below in orkut profile menu called “edit feeds“.

tips & tricks

Get orkut scrap alerts from orkut to directly to ur desktop…

When it comes to the notification of orkut scraps some good application is desired that could notify about the scraps in a particular orkut profile.


tips & tricks

Latest Top 6 Most popular orkut tips & tricks for orkut freaks.

Day by day orkut is becoming more n more popular with new and improved features…so its time to list mostly used orkut tricks used by a lot of orkut lovers these days.

Top orkut tips & tricks used mostly are…

tips & tricks

Mostly used firefox extensions & toolbar for orkut.

There lot more get through extensions and toolbars if you are using firefox.

So today i am going to list mostly used firefox extensions and toolbars designed for orkut which will make you more productive at orkut.All these orkut addons provide a wide amount of orkut tricks and also make navigation in orkut more easier.

orkut tricks

Have a look on Cool New Features added to orkut

As orkut is been growing day by day becoming a massive social communications network.So it needs modifications and additions in various features.

Keeping an eye on orkut the various major modifications which took place till now are…