tips & tricks

DisplayFusion: Set Different Desktop Wallpaper On Dual Multi Monitor or Extended Monitor

I have been using dual monitor setup from last 2-3 days and I must say I am quite addicted to the use my extended monitor Samsung 19 inch with my hp tx1000 laptop.


Yesterday, I was googling about how to setup different wallpapers on my laptop monitor and 19 inch extended monitor, I found a free utility called DisplayFusion which can make your multiple monitor experience more better and soothing by adding a separate taskbar on both the monitors attached to your machine and these taskbar will look like windows taskbar.


It will also allow you to set different background on both of the two monitor connected irrespective of which one is primary and which one is secondary.

internet hacks & tips

Youtube Downloader HD – Free Youtube High Definition Video Downloader

Free youtube high definition video downloader lets you download any youtube video in high definition format. It is just like any other youtube desktop video downloader which will download the video directly on your Hard Drive.


Downloading any youtube video with this tool is easy as entering the URL of the video which you want to download and hit the start button. It allows you to download in four basic formats which includes FLV (Flash Video), AVI Video, MP4 and AVI HD (High Definition)

useful software's

Free File and Image Uploader For 70+ Hosting Services

Free file and image uploader is a free and easy to use tool which lets you upload images and files on around 70+ image uploading and file uploading services. It is very easy and fast process to upload files and images with this free tool

File and Image uploader works in the same as the download manager works but in opposite way, it also lets you create queues of the files to be uploaded, you can upload to either same or different hosting services at the same time with free file and image uploader.


This small free uploader works with many file hosting and image hosting services like,, and and you can also upload on the paid hosting services with the correct username and password known.

IE tips & tricks

IEclean – Free Cleaner To Clear Cache, Cookies, Typed URLs, Form History, IE History

IEclean is free a small very useful utility which lets you clean different things related to Internet Explorer. It is the fastest way to clean up different things like Cache, cookies, typed urls, form history etc separately.


It will free up a good amount of disk space and also very flexible tool to clear up your internet explorer history so that no one come to know what did you surfed.

how to tutorials

Watch IPL t20 2009 Cricket Matches Online Live On IPL Official Site and Watch Highlights On Youtube Channel

IPL T20 has just started and looks like it again going to be big hit this time also, although all the matches are in south Africa which made IPL going international this time around.


There are large number of websites on internet where you can watch IPL T20 2009 matches online for FREE, this time IPL matches can be seen for FREE on the official IPL T20 website ,you can watch any of the on going IPL matches on the official website but you would need to register first which is free.

useful software's

Free Internet Text Speaker – Listen / Read Out Text On Any Website On Internet

Internet Text Speaker is a simple FREE to use utility which allows you to read out text on any web page on the internet, you just need to highlight the text with mouse cursor you want to read.


It automatically integrates to the right click context menu of Firefox and Internet Explorer and after installing it while surfing you can select any text and then select Speak Text

internet hacks & tips

Twin Searching – Search and Compare The Search Results Of Two Search Engines For The Same Keyword

Twin Searching is a free utility which allows you search and compare the search results of two search engines for the same query. It will show up the search results in a dual frame pane of the default browser configured on your computer.

You can carry out the search in any 2 search engines you select from the list as right now it allow you to select more than two search engines.


With in three easy steps you can search and compare the search results for the same keyword with dual pane in your system default browser, Lets see how

list tips

51+ Free Media Converters For Daily Use

We have already written lot more about different types of free media converters with which help you convert various types of conversions in between various popular format.

Today, we list all the types of free media converters which will make your daily digital life more simple and easy. All these converters will help you a lot to conevrt in between wide variety of formats.

Following are the 51+ free media converters which you can use as per your requirement each converter converts in between two formats. so, download all the converters separately as per our usage.

Cool MOV To 3GP Converter 1.0

Convert MOV videos to 3GP

Cool DAT To 3GP Converter 1.0

Convert DAT video to 3GP format

Cool AVI To MP3 Converter 1.0

Easily convert AVI files to MP3 with this handy application