xp hacks

Change XP To Windows Live Look – Vista Live Shell Pack

After the release of windows vista and windows 7 beta, Windows XP looks so boring and monotonous as compared to the amazing look and feel of windows vista and windows 7.

We have recently written about a free transformation pack which lets you convert the look and feel of windows xp to windows 7, Vista Live Shell Pack is quite different as it changes the windows xp look and feel as well as the icons of windows xo to windows vista icons.


This shell pack will actually modify the system resources to change the windows xp look in windows live look, it will bring some awesome changes including cool new vista style start button and vista drive icons.

xp hacks

Free XP To Windows 7 Transformation Pack Download

Windows 7 is looks much better than both windows xp and windows vista, so almost every user of windows wants to get rid of the boring looks of windows xp and vista.

Today, we will tell you about two free transformation pack developed recently which can transform windows xp or windows vista. These tarsformation packs has been designed by niwradsoft.

XP To Windows 7 Transformation Pack ( Via NirmalTV )

Seven Remix XP is another free transformation pack which lets you change the look and feel of your windows xp into windows 7


xp hacks

Rename My computer, Recycle Bin, My Documents and My Network Places with Desktop Renamer

You could had annoyed some times when you may want to change the text below the My Computer, My Documents, Recycle Bin and My Network Places icon on your desktop but windows default behaviour will never let you change these names.

Desktop Renamer is small cool free utility which lets you change the name of My Computer, Recycle Bin, My Documents and My Network Places


Desktop Renamer runs on windows XP to later versions also like windows 98, Me, NT etc.

xp hacks

Download Hibernate, Shutdown Screensaver for windows and save energy and power

There are lot of times when we start our computer and after sometime left it running with all the applications opened as we may have some other important work.

In that case when you leave your pc running and you want all applications to keep running, then this free hibernate Screensaver could be very useful to save a large amount of energy and power.

Hibernate Screensaver

Hibernate - green 

Hibernate Screensaver will hibernate your computer after 2 minutes from the time when computer becomes idle, all your applications will kept in running state and your computer will enter a suspended state and will get hibernated.

xp hacks

Tweak your common dialogs placebar with PlacesBar

When ever we browse or locate any application or file we do it through windows common dialogs box. Windows Common dialogs (Open and Save) have a PlacesBar that appears on the left side of the dialogs.

PlacesBar is small freeware program which lets you tweak and customize these locations on the place bar in the windows common dialogs


It lets you customize the location to a system folder, such as desktop, My documents, My pictures etc.

xp hacks

Patch uxtheme.dll to apply custom msstyle in windows xp

There are hell lot of themes available these days in the form of custom mssstyles which lets you change the look and feel of windows xp easily.

But, the main hindrance for applying custom mss styles on windows xp is due to uxtheme.dll which is a Microsoft system file in windows xp which blocks from using any custom mss styles.

So, before you can apply any mss styles you need to patch Microsoft system file, you can easily patch uxtheme.dll file with a small freeware program called UXTheme MultiPatcher 

UXTheme MultiPatcher

Let’s see how to use UXTheme MultiPatcher

xp hacks

Top 4 applications for Flip 3D and aero effect on XP


People love the vista always for the fancy looking GUI effects not for functionality, and quite opposite is the case for windows XP. 😛 

Today, we have come up with top 4 applications which enables flip 3d and aero effect XP just like vista.

TopDesk Flip Windows

Let’s discuss about all these applications which will implement flip 3d effect in XP

xp hacks

Know about any process in windows with process explorer


There are hell lot of process which keep on running in windows using system resources like RAM and CPU usage, some of these processes may or may not relevant to the user.

But a how does a windows user know? Which process are useful and which are not out of all the process running on your windows.

Process Explorer is another useful utility by sysinternals which shows you all the process running on your windows system.

Process Explorer

Let’s see how can we use process explorer to get the information about a particular process running.