how to tutorials tips & tricks xp hacks

Turn on autologon for any windows user in windows XP

By default auto login feature got disabled in windows when ever you create any other account in windows XP other than default administrator acoount.

What is AutoLogon?

When a user got logged in windows XP without entering username and password. Don’t you think this could be more convenient when logging to windows?

Note: When you turn on autologon in Windows XP becomes more convenient, but turning this setting on can pose a security risk, but still if you want to do it.

Let’s see how you turn this setting on.

how to tutorials tips & tricks xp hacks

Enable or Disable the Build in Administrator Account In Vista

May be you are very much annoyed by UAC but still does not want UAC to be turned off in your user account in vista but want to perform some task without user account control elevation prompts.

You can do these tasks by using default build in administrator account but you will have to enable it first.

Follow the procedure below to enable default admin account in Vista

1. Click Start, and then type cmd in the Start Search box.
2. In the search results list, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as Administrator.


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Get Bookmarks Toolbar Like Firefox by activating Links bar in ie7

Most of us miss the most accessible Bookmarks Toolbar as there in firefox but not found in IE7.

But there is a bookmark toolbar in IE7 but it is not enabled by default so you need to enable it explicitly.

To Enable the Bookmarks Toolbar follow the steps given below.

1. Start >> Run and type iexplore and press Enter.

2. Press Alt key , go to view>>toolbars>>Select Links(as shown in the image below)







how to tutorials tips & tricks xp hacks

What is WMPNSCFG.exe? and why it is running? in vista

There are lots of process in windows which keeps on running in the background using some share of windows resources all the time.

These process are most of the time are not use full to all of us, one of those process is wmpnscfg.exe

What is  wmpnscfg.exe?

wmpnscfg.exe is used to alert users when a new media device is found on the network. When wmpnscfg is notified that a new media device is available on the network, it displays a popup in the system tray that informs the user about the availability of the new device.

How To Disable or Stop WMPNCFG.EXE service ?

how to tutorials tips & tricks windows hacks xp hacks

How to Remove Hacked by godzilla virus in 5 minutes

Now a days with the increasing use of portable drives various types of virus infect a large number of system very easily.

One of these common virus is "Hacked by Godzilla Virus" which normally spreads through portable drives etc.

My system got infected with this Hacked by Godzilla Virus and I repaired my system without the help of any antivirus software.

Lets first discuss the common symptoms of the Godzilla Virus.

If your system is infected by this virus you will see the this text "Hacked by Godzilla Virus" in the title at the top of the window of Internet explorer

Some other symptoms:

1. Task manager is disabled.

2. Regedit (Command for registry edit) is disabled.

3. Folder options got disappeared From windows explorer.

4. Double clicking on any of your system drive( c: ,d: etc) initiates a new instance of the virus.

So, you won’t be able to open any of your drive by double click rather you have to open then by right click >> explore.

5. msconfig command is disabled – this virus is not dependent on system startup but it disables the msconfig command used to modify the system startup programs.

Let’s see how you can remove Godzilla virus in 5 minutes.

Follow the Step by step procedure given below to remove hacked by godzilla virus.

how to tutorials tips & tricks vista hacks xp hacks

how to end a process immediately in windows xp / vista

There are many times when you would want to end a particular process in windows xp for any reason.

Most of the times you are able to end a process in a regular way just by closing the window associated with that program but some times it goes in a hang state called as Not Responding state in windows.

how to tutorials tips & tricks xp hacks

How to enable transparent windows in win xp, vista and win 2000 without aero glass.

In case of windows vista to run cool aero glass effects it normally require a powerful graphic card or some good amount of video memory shared on the motherboard and in case of windows  xp it is not even possible without some modified theme softwares like window blinds.

So, In order to enable transparency effects (aero effects) in win xp you will need a small freeware called glass2k  ,this software is suported on all the windows system windows 2000 onwards.

how to tutorials tips & tricks xp hacks

How to create shortcuts for shutdown, restart and hibernate in windows xp.

Have you ever wanted, To create shortcuts for the most common actions like shutdown, hibernate or restart on your desktop, so that you could fire up all these commands just by clicking a shortcut placed on your desktop.

All the operations shutdown, restart are nothing but a simple execution command for the system exe called shutdown.exe but with different parameter.

But this is not the same case with hibernate as it is a suspended state off in case of windows xp and it has nothing to do with shutdown.exe