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How to get more productive with Email Prioritizer

Sometimes, you get some many emails into your inbox that it becomes almost impossible to concentrate on the work you are doing.

These emails may come from your boss, your office college, your program manager – all these emails are important but they continue to distract your attention every time a new mail arrive your into your inbox.


Email Prioritizer is cool free plugin for Microsoft Outlook 2007, released recently by Microsoft Office Labs which lets you stop outlook to receive and notify you about some new mails for a fixed time interval so that you can better concentrate on whatever work you are doing.

Let’s see what more you can do with Email Prioritizer

how to tutorials

Change the default files save format from .docx to .doc in word 2007



Microsoft word is the mostly used out of all the Microsoft office 2007 applications, but I have seen people some times in a situation when they were cursing Microsoft Word 2007.

It happens when you have saved some important document while using microsoft word 2007 with .docx extension and taken that file some where else where office 2003 or any version later than office 2007 is installed and you cannot open .docx files. 

As .docx is the new file format recognised only by office 2007, and office 2003 or later versions of office cannot open .docx word document files.

What is .docx?

It is the default file extension for saving documents in word 2007. These docx documents are essentially a bunch of zipped XML documents  

Let’s see how can you change the default file save format to .doc which is widely supported in the backward version of office 2007.

how to tutorials tips & tricks windows hacks

How to prevent your playlist in winamp from getting lost out

I have been using winamp from a long time as a music player, it is I think the best player which is free also, but initially when I use winamp for the first time I found a issue in it.

Let me tell you how does it happen.

I used to enqueue some songs from different directory locations ,and issue arises when  accidentally I double click on any .mp3 file due to which all the playlist which I collected in winamp got evaded in seconds and the only songs which remain there is that on which I have accidentally double clicked. It may have happened to you some time if you have used winamp.

Let’s see why this happens and how can we correct it.

how to tutorials tips & tricks

View your Local Photos on Your Hard disk using Piclens [ Tweak ]

Recently I came across a cool web application called PicLens, after reading a an article on

What is PicLens?

PicLens is a browser extension or add on which instantly transforms your browser into a full-screen, 3D experience for enjoying photos and videos across the web.

In other words it a different way to view pictures on web  specially the 3d experience and the navigation power it provides is awesome. ( as shown in the image below)








PicLens can be used to view photo’s on various image sharing sites like Flickr, FaceBook, Google Images, Picasa Web Albums etc. It supports almost all the famous browsers including  FireFox , Safari , Internet Explorer etc.

After experiencing Piclens I was curious to see the images stored on my hard disk and got to know that PicLens does not support it.  🙁

Then I tried some tweaks to open pictures on my hard disk with piclens, and suddenly one of them works, I was able to view the pictures in folder on my hard disk with piclens.

Let’s see how can you do it. I made this work on firefox

how to tutorials tips & tricks xp hacks

Disable auto reboot in windows XP and Home editions

Are you annoyed by the restart prompt which appears every time you update windows.

In order to configure no auto reboot settings  for windows XP Professional and Home your windows must have service pack2 installed.

But the to remove auto reboot for windows XP home and Professional are different.

For Windows XP Professional

1. Open Start >> Run and type gpedit.msc  (group policy editor) and press Enter

2.  Navigate to the following path

Local Computer Policy\Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\ Windows Components\Windows Update

3. Double click "No auto-restart for schedule Automatic Updates installations" and select to enable this setting.

4. Restart windows.

For Windows XP Home Edition

how to tutorials tips & tricks windows hacks

Stop automatic filtering of messages in outlook 2007 using gmail account

In case of outlook 2007 when you configure your gmail account with automatic pop3 configuration the problem of auto filtering of your mails received is done by outlook.

But this auto filtering most of the times does not function correctly which results in non junk mails or clean mails are mark as junk and outlook moves them automatically to junk folder.

You can simply fix the wrong filtering as follows:

1. Open Microsoft Outlook 2007

2. Open File Menu >> Tools >> select Options.

how to tutorials tips & tricks vista hacks

Enable aero effect on unsupported Graphic cards in windows vista with Tweak Vista

Aero effect is one of the amazing effect in windows vista , if you have desktop window manager clubbed with your windows vista edition you can enjoy the aero effect in vista.

What is DWM?

DWM (Desktop Window Manager ) previously known as Desktop Compositing Engine or DCE) is a compositing window manager, introduced with Windows Vista, that enables the Windows Aero user interface. DWM requires graphics cards supporting DirectX 9.0 and Shader Model 2.0.

But if your graphic card does not support directX 9.0 and Shader Model Technology, you may not be able to run aero effect.

But you can still run aero with your unsupported graphic card with TweakVista

Let’s see how can you run aero effect then.

how to tutorials tips & tricks xp hacks

Turn on autologon for any windows user in windows XP

By default auto login feature got disabled in windows when ever you create any other account in windows XP other than default administrator acoount.

What is AutoLogon?

When a user got logged in windows XP without entering username and password. Don’t you think this could be more convenient when logging to windows?

Note: When you turn on autologon in Windows XP becomes more convenient, but turning this setting on can pose a security risk, but still if you want to do it.

Let’s see how you turn this setting on.