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Picasa Independent Album Exporter – Download Photos and Album From Picasa Web Albums – No Need To Install Picasa

Picasa Independent Album Exporter is a free tool which lets you export all the pictures from any Picasa web album with a preserved desired picture size and dimensions.


You can download all the pictures for the web album in three simple steps, given below

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Login In More Than One Google Talk At The Same Time – Tips and Tricks [ Reader Query ]

One of our reader wants to know the best method with which he can login to more than gtalk clients with different accounts at the same time, he wants to know the simplest method to do it. Well the method to implement this simple functionality of opening more than one gtalk clients and logging in them with different accounts credentials is very easy.


As you can see in the image above I had launched more than one gtalk clients and logged into them with different account credentials, for all this only thing you need to do is locate the gtalk shortcut and append the text /nomutex

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Save / Backup / Restore Windows Live Writer Settings, Blog Templates, Drafts, Plugins, Link Glossary and Blogs

Just in case if you are formatting your laptop computer and you don’t want to configure the windows live writer after on your new computer Windows Live Writer Backup is the best free tool which lets you backup all the windows live writer settings including configured blogs backup, plug-ins,drafts, posts, and lets you restore this backup on any other computer using the same tool


You just need to make sure that you have .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installed on your computer to run this tool and it works with both 32 and 64-bit version of Windows.

Read Also: Backup Offline Installers For All Windows Live Essentials Beta

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Restore / Revert To Original Normal Icon Size In Vista

Recently one of the reader asked how can I restore the original icon size in vista back if it got changed due to some reason. Actually the desktop icons on his vista computer become so large that they occupy most of the space in desktop.

We all know desktop is the most accessible folder in any windows computer, it is the place where links to the frequently used programs and other important folders are placed. So, desktop becomes the most important and personal location for any windows user

In case of vista you can easily set a custom desktop icon size as per your needs and accessibility by the following procedure

Press Show Desktop in Quick Launch, now Press Ctrl Key on the keyboard and then press Mouse scroll wheel and move it forward and backward to increase and decrease the size if the icons


If you don’t want to resize the desktop icon size by the method mentioned above and want restore the desktop icon size to normal which is standard, then you can follow the step given below

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2 Ways Abort Shutdown / Restart and Disable Remote Shutdown On Your Computer

It may happen sometimes when you are working on your computer and you suddenly see a message saying that this computer is getting shutdown with in the next 60 seconds and then if you don’t know how to abort the shutdown you will loose all your unsaved data after 60 seconds


This may also happen to you when you are working on the computer connected to your LAN network and some one just to annoy you try to shutdown the computer you are working on.(as shown in the above image)

So, In this article we will discuss all the methods and tools with which you can abort shutdown initiated by some else or any application on windows, this way you can prevent what ever closing of all the programs and loosing of data which you have not saved.

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Remove / Uninstall Older Versions Of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) On Your Computer

JavaRa is a free tool which you remove any older versions of java runtime environment so that it might create any conflicts on the new version you are going to install.


It forcibly remove all the redundant versions of Java Runtime environment (JRE) and moreover you can search for the updates of the java runtime environment on your computer

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Watch IPL t20 2009 Cricket Matches Online Live On IPL Official Site and Watch Highlights On Youtube Channel

IPL T20 has just started and looks like it again going to be big hit this time also, although all the matches are in south Africa which made IPL going international this time around.


There are large number of websites on internet where you can watch IPL T20 2009 matches online for FREE, this time IPL matches can be seen for FREE on the official IPL T20 website ,you can watch any of the on going IPL matches on the official website but you would need to register first which is free.