useful software's

Free Program To Extract RAR Archive – Free RAR Archive Extractor

I have seen many of my friends using the trail version of winRAR to extract rar archives they download from internet, these days use of rar archive format is quite common and many of the files like songs, videos and other files are uploaded as rar achieve on the web. But the default program to extract rar archive is not free and people don’t want to buy it just for extracting rar archives, so here is the free solution for the same.


RarMonkey is a new freeware utility which lets you extract rar compressed archives files which you had download from forums, uploading servers like rapidshare etc and newsgroups.

proxy tips & tricks

14 Ways To Access Blocked Google Talk/Yahoo Messenger/MSN Messenger At Office

Google talk blocked at your office, college or school don’t worry you are not alone in this as there are lot more other people like you who are being troubled as various messengers are being blocked access. But there are still lot more ways with which you can access the blocked messengers in your office and you can still keep chatting with your friends.


Firstly there are large number of online sites which allows you to access gtalk, yahoo and other messenger service online via web interface, following are the links to some of the web services.

  1. Meebo
  2. eBuddy
  3. ILoveIM
  4. KoolIM
  6. Mabber
  7. MessengerFx
tips & tricks

WinCDEmu – Mount ISO, CUE, IMG, BIN and RAW Image On Mouse Double Click

Mounting the CD / DVD images is one of the most difficult things for a layman windows user, as for mounting an image like ISO, CUE, IMG, BIN and RAW  which require a virtual drive. In order to create a virtual drive you will need some emulator drive software, but none of these software will allow you to mount the drive image on mouse double click. Some of the virtual CD emulators have complex user interface too.

WinCDEmu is one such free program which does not have any user interface, and it simply allows you to mount any CD / DVD image with mouse double click.  

how to tutorials

Login In More Than One Google Talk At The Same Time – Tips and Tricks [ Reader Query ]

One of our reader wants to know the best method with which he can login to more than gtalk clients with different accounts at the same time, he wants to know the simplest method to do it. Well the method to implement this simple functionality of opening more than one gtalk clients and logging in them with different accounts credentials is very easy.


As you can see in the image above I had launched more than one gtalk clients and logged into them with different account credentials, for all this only thing you need to do is locate the gtalk shortcut and append the text /nomutex

internet hacks & tips

Change A Gtalk Buddy Name To Identify The Person – Who May Have A Messy Name at Orkut

It happens to almost all of us when we see people in our gtalk friend list with some some messy and irregular names in gtalk, this mostly happen with the gtalk buddies who are also your friend at orkut as well. On orkut people tend to have some style names by adding some special characters in their name, these poorly readable so called styled names become a problem some times when you are not able to identify that person due to these names. On of such situation can be explained form image given below


As you can see in the above image one of my friend in gtalk has such a special name that i cannot identify this person with this messy name, more over she has not added her image as well or any avatar on gtalk with which I can remember her. Now the last option with which i recognised her was her email id which is covered by black spray in the above image. Now once I recognize her I would like to set her name and so that in future it becomes easy for me to recognise her directly with her name.  


Let’s see how can you rename the person with some custom name you want to set to any of your gtalk buddies

windows hacks

Drive Letter View – Change The Display Style Of Drive Letters In My Computer For XP / Vista and 7

Drive Letter View is a tiny little program which allows you to change the way drive letter are displayed on the drives under my computer,  you can choose in between 3 display styles for showing the drive letters or hide the drive letters from showing in my computer.


You can have the following layouts set for the drive letters to show in my computer

useful software's

DefectPX – Find Detect and Fix Dead Pixel On LCD Monitor

DefectPX is a free to use program which lets you find and detect dead pixels on any LCD monitor you have, this small utility can really come handy when you are purchasing a new LCD monitor, or when you want to check your monitor under warranty period for any dead pixel.


A dead pixel on the LCD monitor is that pixel which does not illuminate properly or does not display the correct color output. It may look like an annoying black, white or any colored spot on the monitor.

free software

Monitor ES – Power Off Monitor When You Lock Your Computer

Monitor ES is one such free utility which lets you to save a good amount of energy and money by doing some amazing tweaks on your computer including the following ones


One of the most important features of this small program is it allows you to turn off your monitor automatically when you lock your computer, this could save a good amount of energy. Moreover you can turn off the monitor display by pressing the hotkey (CTRL+F2)