offline installers

Download Windows Live Photo Gallery Full Setup [ offline installer ]

Windows Live Photo gallery is an application that really helps in organising your photos edit them apply special effects and also lets you organise your photos with tags.


Windows Live Photo Gallery will import the photos directly from your digital camera connected to your computer,  you can publish the photos on windows live spaces with in 2 clicks with windows live photo gallery.

Let’s find out some more features of windows live photo gallery and how to download the full offline setup of windows live photo gallery

useful software's

Clean Unused DLLs From Windows System Directory

Clean System Directory is a FREE utility which will clean all the unused DLL files in your windows system directory.


With time windows system directory becomes cluttered with time with unused DLL files which are loaded but no longer in use which in turn waste disk space and slow down the system speed.  

You can run clean system directory with this application either by installing the application or running the application directly. It will clean up these DLL files in the system directory that have no programs calling them so they can be moved out of the system directory.

proxy tips & tricks

Download UltraSurf Full Setup for Anonymous Browsing

Ultrasurf is free proxy software which allows you to surf anonymously and break internet censorship to visit any public web site irrespective of any blocking firewall or software.

Ultrasurf is one such amazing tools for anonymous browsing which you can easily use with the browsers like IE, Firefox.


Ultra surf is compatible with widows XP and vista also, Ultrasurf has been there for about 6 years with daily hits over 300 million and daily traffic of over 5000 GB.

internet hacks & tips

Be Invisible In Gtalk

We all miss one of the great awaited feature of how to set invisible status in gtalk. Just like yahoo messenger invisible status in gtalk will allow you to be online without being bugged by gtalk friends when you are at work or don’t feel like to be annoyed by your gtalk friends.

But the regular gtalk version provided by google does not allow you to be in invisible mode when you are logged in.


As seen in the image above you can either set your gtalk to busy, show current music track or any custom message as your gtalk status message.

Today, we will tell you how you can be invisible using gtalk without being bugged by your gtalk contacts.

tips & tricks

Remove Invalid Entries From Add Remove Program List

It happens some times when you try to remove a specific program installed on your windows computer by running uninstall through Add Remove Programs in Control Panel but you cannot remove the program instead it remains there in the add remove programs list and you cannot remove it.


So you delete the associated files and directories of that program but still it remains there in the Add Remove Programs Entries as an invalid entry

Today we will tell you two methods to remove those invalid entries from add remove programs list, first one is a geeky way out and second one is quite simple with a free utility.

Lets see how can you apply these methods to remove invalid entries from add remove program list

windows hacks

How To Install and Run Console Application On Windows

Did you ever encountered any application or program which runs through command prompt only but does not work when you double click on it, this happens when you launch a program which is a console application. Instead when you try to launch it the command prompt window flashes for a second and closes automatically.


What is a Console Application?

A console application is a computer program designed to be used via a text-only computer interface, such as a text terminal, the command line interface of some operating systems (Unix, DOS, etc.) or the text-based interface included with some Graphical User Interface (GUI) operating systems, such as the Win32 console in Microsoft Windows

Console applications for windows could be some additional commands for windows which you may want to integrate with windows and some other programs which are completely console based or which does not have any GUI interface associated with them. 

Let’s see how can you integrate and install console based application in windows

useful software's

Image Sequence Viewer – View Sequence Of Images As Video

Image Sequence Viewer allows you to view sequence of images as video, it is just like watching a stop motion video compiled from the sequence of images.


Image Sequence Viewer provides forward or backward frame by frame, possibly it could be a great software to view your webcam your webcam snapshots and notice your movements during video chat.

useful software's

Mov2Gif – Convert any movie to animated gifs

We all watch movies and many times we liked some great scenes of the movies we saw, here I mean some particular scenes which last a second or a minute

I was always wondering on how can I convert these awesome scenes of the movies into gif image so that I can actually cut out that scene from the movie in a different way.


Before converting any movie to animated gif make sure that the size of the movies your are going to convert to gif should be of small size, otherwise it will through some script error.