vista hacks

Save / Restore Desktop Layout

Some times you may spend so much time while arranging your desktop icons and by any reason if you change the desktop resolution the icons changes their positions on the desktop and then you need to rearrange them.

Rearranging the icons again is time consuming and tiring task but you can avoid this by tweaking windows to save the desktop icon layout i.e the positions of your desktop icons.


Saving and then restoring the saved icons layout is all related to registry tweak and adding some system files in c:\windows\system32 folder. But don’t worry if you don’t want play with windows registry or windows system files, you how can you do this just by using a FREE utlity called Icon Restore.

We will also include the geeky way which will tell you how can you do this through registry editing and adding some system files.

Let’s discuss both the ways to save / restore desktop icons layout.

vista hacks

Get Windows Seven Like Start Menu on Vista and XP

VSE7 is a FREE program which lets make your windows Vista or XP start menu look like windows seven. It lets you emulate all those effects of windows seven start menu on your windows vista and xp start menu.


VSE7 will provide some great features windows seven start menu like enhanced UI with better effects like blur, recent items list and pinning and application rating system.

vista hacks

Stop Windows Storing Recent Opened File List In Vista

People some times complain why does window show the recent opened file list in windows, as for many people it really affects their privacy when others come to know which files they have opened.


In Vista you can set the windows not to store the list of recently opened file list so no one will know what files you opened recently.

vista hacks

Download Windows 7 Themes for Vista

Windows 7 has been on boom just after when PDC attendees were given FREE Windows 7 beta build which was then leaked through torrents and rapidshare.

Previously we posted about how can you convert vista taskbar to windows seven style taskbar, Today we have come up with some themes you would love to try out. All these themes are inspired from windows 7 cool new look and feel.

Here we go…

1. Windows 7 Inspirat Theme (Vista)- This theme called Windows 7 Inspirat VS containing two shell styles, one bottom and one sideways


Download Windows 7 Inspirat Theme

vista hacks

Make vista aero more transparent and apply custom themes in vista with vistaglazz

VistaGlazz is a small freeware which lets you enable aero to greater extent in windows vista, also lets you patch the system files to apply new custom mssstyles 3rd party themes in vista.

In windows vista the transparency on the windows remains until you maximize the windows as aero does not work on maximized windows in vista, But VistaGlazz ensures transparency effects in maximized windows of vista also.


Let’s see how can you make aero work on maximized windows in vista and how can you apply custom themes in vista with vistaglazz

vista hacks

Convert Vista to MAC OS X with Vista OS X transformation pack

Most of you must have been used to the look and feel of windows vista, if you are looking to make your vista look different you can try Vista OS X transformation pack to make your vista look like MAC OS


Vista OS X transformation pack lets you change the look and feel of Vista to MAC OS in way you like it to be, you can modify vista the by changing only those elements which you want to change.

vista hacks

Convert vista taskbar to windows 7 style taskbar

Windows 7 is under active development these days, recently the first beta version of windows 7 was released at PDC 2008 but not for public.

One of the most amazing things in terms of different looks in windows 7 is it all new style cool looking new taskbar.


In windows 7 taskbar when you hover mouse over one of the tittles you will see the live preview of the application, the icon size is relatively larger than the traditional sized items on the windows vista sidebar.

Let’s find out how can you convert your traditional looking vista taskbar into windows 7 style taskbar.