internet hacks & tips

Know where does your website rank in google search results with SERPs Finder

Almost all us write so much on our blogs and web sites and we always got curious to know the ranking of our pages or posts in all the major search engines like Google, Live Search, and Yahoo! Search.

SERPs Finder

SERPs Finder is free utility for finding out the ranking of a particular web site in google search, yahoo search and live search.   

SERPs Finder-abhishek-bhatnagar  

SERPs Finder is quite a good program which can for a given query in Google, Live Search and Yahoo Search by analysing first 1000 of search results.

SERPs Finder works according to the speed of your internet connection, it is quite addictive program because after downloading I tested a hell lot of keywords for my blog.

SERPs Finder-results

For some keywords which I tested the SERP with SERPs Finder for my blog position in search results, I was quite happy :). So I can assure that lot of my fellow blogger’s and webmasters will like it.

Note: If you use SERPs Finder very extensively google may get blocked temporarily, which is automatically over come now as SERPs Finder now search only first 100 results.

Download SERPs Finder

6 replies on “Know where does your website rank in google search results with SERPs Finder”

Google in their Webmaster Guidelines says “Don’t use unauthorized computer programs to submit pages, check rankings, etc. Such programs consume computing resources and violate our Terms of Service. Google does not recommend the use of products such as WebPosition Goldâ„¢ that send automatic or programmatic queries to Google.”

I really doubt this software would work any longer or could provide accurate results. More over you can find the results using your own browser (firefox) and changing the search result display from 10 too 100.

Use the firefox search function to see if your site is in top 100 in Google & Yahoo. And in top 50 at MSN/Live.

I would also recommend SheerSEO – a similar SEO Ranking Software (web based) – no install required! Monitors your SERP rankings over a period and gives regualr update.. Had loads of other features that could be very handy!

I prefer app built over web than traditional softwares. Give SheerSEOa shot.. you would love it! Supports both Google & Yahoo!

The best part is monitoring ur SERP rankings.. and provides upto date information about it.


This might be a little off subject, but have you looked at seoclientprospectingrobot dot com? Just wondering if you have any reviews of it, I’m thinking of buying a copy, and wanted to see if anyone had bought a copy yet.

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