how to tutorials ipod hacks tips & tricks vista hacks

How to run command prompt with elevated administrative privileges in vista.

In case windows vista the security feature with vista as UAC automatically launch each and every program with limited rights and results in a lot of restriction for some basic programs.

So if you type cmd.exe in the start menu search box it will load with some restrictions.

how to tutorials tips & tricks vista hacks

How to activate autologin in windows vista in simple steps.

Yes you can avoid clicking the user icon before you can login to your account , As in case of windows vista ,even if you have a account without any password set you have to click the user icon to login as the welcome screen shows your account.

So simple follow the simple procedure for enabling autologin in vista.

tips & tricks vista hacks

Some usefull commands for windows vista to get simple work done.

You may think that these commands are not usefull but mind it if you start doing some work through these commands you will love to do simple tasks with the commands only.

tips & tricks vista hacks

How to hack to run dreamscene on all non-ultimate versions of vista like.

Do you want to run dreamscene ? in your windows vista but you don’t have windows vista ultimate edition as dreamscene for windows vista as it comes as a update only for windows vista utimate edition.

But don’t worry as in this post i will tell you how you can install or run dreamscene on all the others versions or non-ultimate versions of vista like vista home basic ,vista home premium , vista business edition.

how to tutorials tips & tricks vista hacks

How to enable/disable dreamscene on vista step by step procedure.

There is a very simple 5 steps easy and fast procedure to enable or disable dreamscene on windows vista.

how to tutorials tips & tricks vista hacks

Use Checkbox to select items in vista and avoid pressing ctrl key.

There are lot of hidden features in case of windows vista which sometimes really increases the productivity of the user using it.So we can say that there are something very good that comes with vista.

how to tutorials tips & tricks vista hacks

How to remove green progress bar and make vista boot screen similar as linux.

Are you bored of seeing the same green progress bar again and again…and if you want the boot screen of vista to look some what different than the regular green progress bar then this post is for you.

You can simple make vista boot screen same a like linux boot screen in which you will get to see each and every starting up and loading at the time of booting and in oder to do it you have to follow the step by step procedure listed below.

how to tutorials tips & tricks vista hacks

How to make vista shutdown much faster than normal delayed shutdown.

When it comes to shutdown of windows vista it takes even more time as compared to windows xp. Default shutdown time of vista is about 20 seconds to kill all the services and user programs that are currently running.

But don’t worry as you can simply decrease the time required by windows vista to shutdown irrespective of any edition of vista you are using , by a simple registry trick you can decrease the shutdown time to a great extent.