blogging tips & tricks

Blogging do’s and dont’s to get enhanced more traffic on your blog.

An uncommon Blogging Tip

You must have installed or atleast seen the well known popularity contest plugin for wordpress, which shows you the most popular entries in the sidebar. The entries are sorted by number of hits on each post. This plugin is very useful when installed on your blog, because it lets your visitor to go through the best entries ever on your blog by just one click.

announcements blogging

Now its earning..I got my first google adsense check.

Firstly sorry for posting non technical article or a article not having any tips n tricks.

Ya , i got my first check from google as a part of my earning in the month of june2007 although check is not of a big amount but as i see in the blogosphere some of my other friends also posted when they receive their first check from google adsense so i also want to share the joy of my first adsense earning check.

blogging wordpress

Redirect your default Feed to Feedburner feed with FeedBurner FeedSmith Plugin

What is the purpose of Feed Burner FeedSmith plugin ?
The main purpose of this wordpress plugin is to redirect all the readers of your blog/site who clicked to subscribe the default feed of your blog so that those users can also be subscribed and those user count could be added to your feed burner subscriptions no.