Tired of remembering your IP address?
Use our No-IPâ„¢ Free DNS and redirection service to map a static or dynamic IP address or long URL to an easy to remember subdomain such as yourname.no-ip.com.
* Run a server on a dynamically assigned IP
* Remotely access your computer
* Industry leading dynamic DNS (DDNS)
* URL redirection / port 80 redirection
* MX records
* Support for 5 subdomains.
* For personal use
* Free Dynamic DNS update client
Try this Service out for free
No-IP Free is our entry level service. Use yourname.no-ip.com instead of a hard to remember IP address or URL. Additionally use our dynamic update client to keep track of your dynamic IP address. You will always be able to get to your computer even if you IP address is dynamically assigned.
No-IP Free DNS has endless uses. Remotely connect to your computer from work. Run a personal website, access your DVR, run a FTP, game, or mail server. The options are endless.
Port 80 Redirects
Many residential ISPs Block port 80, No-IP Free DNS enables you to run a webserver on a non-standard port, yet users accessing your site never have to enter a port number. For example http://yourname.no-ip.com/ can redirect to http://yourname.no-ip.com:8833/
Choose from any of these free subdomains:
* bounceme.net
* hopto.org
* myftp.biz
* myftp.org
* myvnc.com
* no-ip.biz
* no-ip.info
* no-ip.org
* redirectme.net
* servebeer.com
* serveblog.net
* servecounterstrike.com
* serveftp.com
* servegame.com
To register click the link below
They also have tons of less impacted domains to choose from when upgrading to No-IP Enhanced.