You can automate any one of the functions on the Internet Explorer 7 Delete Browsing History dialog.By Putting all selected commands in a batch file and simply scheduled the history clean up by putting the shortcut to the batch file in the common startup folder in all programs.
Category: IE tips & tricks
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You can automate any one of the functions on the Internet Explorer 7 Delete Browsing History dialog.By Putting all selected commands in a batch file and simply scheduled the history clean up by putting the shortcut to the batch file in the common startup folder in all programs.
Title Fix is a free small piece of software which lets you change the text written in the title bar of any website opened in Internet Explorer. This means you can set any custom text on the title bar of internet explorer with this tiny application very quickly and easily.
It lets you write whatever you want to in the title bar of the internet explorer, this utility is completely portable and does not require any installation.