ubuntu tips

Download Portable Ubuntu For Windows

After the release of Ubuntu desktop editions, it has become quite easy for anyone to install ubuntu with windows vista or xp. With Wubi you can make it more simple by installing ubuntu in windows without formatting or creating any partition.


Some time back we discussed about how can you install ubuntu on USB drive, today we will tell you about portable ubuntu available which you can easily run on windows.

Lets find out what more can portable ubuntu for windows can offer.

free software

KUninstall – Uninstall and Remove All Traces Of Uninstalled Programs From Your Computer

KUninstall is a FREE utility which lets you uninstall any program on your computer very easily through it program interface. It is quite small but very powerful and effective tool for removing the unwanted software programs on your computer.


It lets you clean out all the traces of the currently un-installed programs and permit you search and remove any traces left behind after un installation in the registry.

windows hacks

WhatInStartup – Enable / Disable / Delete Programs In Windows Startup

WhatInStartup is a FREE program which lets you see all programs which gets loaded on microsoft system startup. It will display the list of programs in your windows startup.

All the programs will shown with the following information like Startup Type ( Registry/Startup Folder) , Command Line String, Product Name, File Version, Company Name and Location path in the windows registry.


This programs is quite simple to use and it completely portable also, moreover there are keyboard shortcuts which lets you enable / disable these programs in windows through simple hot function keys.

hacking tips

Asterisk Key – See Hidden Passwords Under Hidden Asterisks

Asterisk Key is a FREE utility which lets you see all hidden passwords behind asterisks filled in any windows or webpage. This program is quite easy to use and easily recovers password out of the windows dialog boxes and web pages.


This means you can also recover and reveal the remembered password in web pages like yahoo mail, gmail and other pages.

Note: Ability of Asterisk Key to recover passwords from web pages where you may have password remembered makes it more power and nifty hacking utility to steal mail password. 

internet hacks & tips

Free YouTube Batch Videos Uploader

RZ Youtube Videos Uploader is a FREE software utility which allows you to upload multiple videos to your youtube account. It allows you to upload any number of FLV videos on your computer to youtube directly.


So, if you want to upload multiple videos to youtube, you will first need to convert videos to FLV format which you want to upload.

useful software's

Skype Call Recorder – Freeware To Record Skype Calls

Skype Call Recorder is the best FREE software recently released which allows you to record skype conversations very easily. After install it sits in the system tray and if the recording is set on it will record all the skype calls you make on that computer.

You can configure the destination of the recorded MP3 file and also define the bitrate which controls the sound quality.


Note: Skype will ask you for the authorization to use this application

free software

Web Page Monitor – Free Website Up Down Monitor Utility

Web Page Monitor is a FREE program which allows you to monitor any website or any other URL which may want to monitor.


It will allow you to monitor the status of any web site at specified time interval which starts from 1 minute to 1 day.

internet hacks & tips

Fosimo – Free Facebook Desktop Client To Watch Changes To Your Facebook Account

Fosimo is a small FREE and small facebook desktop client which lets you update facebook status, synchronize facebook friend list with outlook.


You will be notified about your friend status updates, get notifications for unread messages, new friend request and event invites and more important you can do all this without browsing the heavy and slow interface of facebook in browser.