
Remove ribbons and save space in office 2007

I have seen lots of people trying to adopt with the new look and feel of office 2007 applications. With the introduction of ribbons in office 2007 it becomes quite difficult to find the old frequently used features like Formatting, Tools etc which we are used to from office 97-2003.

In all the new features as ribbons in office 2007 applications seems quite annoying to people than useful right now, another problem which user face due to ribbons in office 2007 applications is that these ribbons takes 20% percent of the total space of the entire.


Let’s take an example of office 2007 word and find out how can we contract office 2007 ribbons.

internet hacks & tips

Set double click in skype to open chat then call the skype contact

I have been using skype regularly for around three months, in my new office. From the day I started using I noticed a common problem which normally people face using skype.


By default in skype when ever you double click any contact skype will start a skype-call to that skype contact instead of starting a chat, double clicking a skype contact is quite normal as we have a habit of starting a chat as in other messenger’s like Gtalk and yahoo messenger etc.

But it’s very easy to to override the default settings of skype and set the default setting of skype to start a chat when you double click a skype contact instead of chat.

Let’s see how can change the default behaviour of skype.

tips & tricks

See the thumbnail view of images or media files in a folder with ThumbViewer – A thumb.db viewer

For all those who are not able to see the thumbnail view of images and media files in windows, I have a solution to this problem.

ThumbViewer – A thumb.db viewer – It’s a FREE software which lets you view the thumbnail cache used by windows explorer to speed up the display of thumbnails of the images in folders.

The thumbs.db cache stores all thumbnails created in a folder of the images even if the original image has been deleted.

ThumbViewer - A thumb.db viewer   

The thumbs.db which is automatically created in all the folders with images which stores the thumbnails of all the images.

Let’s see how can you use ThumbViewer – A thumb.db viewer to view all images thumbnails

how to tutorials

How to Locate your stolen laptop computer with LocatePC

The worst may happen someone when their computer gets stolen and when its stolen then possibly their is no way to get it back, or to track where it is.


LocatePC is FREE software which lets you track and finally get back your stolen computer or laptop back to you. LocatePC sends you a secret email message from your stolen computer or laptop with some crucial information.

The crucial information will help to you to contact the law enforcement agencies to track the stolen computer and help you get your stolen computer.

Let’s see how can you protect your computer with LocatePC

proxy tips & tricks

Access blocked orkut, gmail through opera mini simulator and WebToMail | Access banned sites without proxies

We have already written a lot more post on how can you access various blocked web site in your office, school or college. In countries like UAE and china a large number of websites like orkut, facebook, myspace and gmail etc.

I have seen lot of people using several proxies for accessing blocked web sites like orkut, gmail, myspace and facebook etc, all these proxies require the most crucial information i.e your email username and password which forms the basis of your online identity.

Your email id is always required when ever you sign up for any web service on the web or when you communicate via emails to other people.

It becomes a major security risk when you enter your username and password into those those proxies which let you access blocked web sites with some ads here and there, and when you get logged in through a proxy but you cannot perform every operation on the blocked web site like orkut, like you may not be able to scrap a friend, cannot accept a friend request etc.

A large number of organisation have adopted a high level of filtering including the word filter which works in way that it blocks any web page with a word orkut or proxy in it.


Let’s find out how can you access blocked websites through opera mini simulator and access banned websites via free WebToMail service and access the blocked websites with full functionality.

tips & tricks

Deleted recently opened files list and protect your privacy with MRU-Blaster

We all open some files on various public and private computers which we don’t want let other come to know.

It could be a situation when you have opened some very crucial and confidential file and you don’t want any one to see the list of recently opened and get to know about that file and path where it is stored on your computer.

MRU-Blaster is a free program which lets you scans your computer for the list of MRU (most recently used) programs entries, cookies and internet cache files also.


MRU-Blaster can detect more than 30,000 most recently used items and present you with a list of items and lets you clean the traces which reveal that a file was opened, you just need to click the button Clean Now


Let’s see what the additional features MRU-Blaster except for cleaning list of opened files.

internet hacks & tips

Send free sms to friends with google sms channels

Google has recently released their google sms channels which lets you receive various types of updates directly to your mobile phone by direct sms to your phone for free.

Google Sms Channels lets you receive alerts on your mobile via free sms to your mobile phone, you can receive alerts for latest news, blog feeds, daily quotes, horoscope , daily jokes, news from moneycontrol, cricket updates and lot more via free sms messages to your phone.


I have just created a free google sms channel called dailymeets to send messages to college buddies for planned or unplanned meets on weekends and weekdays some times.

Let’s see how can you create a group of family or friends and send them free sms messages via google sms channels.

tips & tricks

Free Download Nero 9 | Free serial number for Nero 9 for 15 days trial

Nero is one of the most widely used cd-dvd burning suite all over the world. The latest version Nero 9 has been released very recently with some cool new features.

Nero 9 seems to be a complete entertainment multimedia suite which lets you copy, rip, burn, edit, share and upload the stuff online. Day by day it is coming with a lot more applications like Nero Scout , Nero Media etc.


All the new features looks cool but a normal user still uses Nero for disc writing, disc erasing and other disc related operations.

Let’s see some features of nero 9 and find out how can you download the free copy of Nero 9